CD - Rotting Christ  - Sleep of the Angels
CD - Rotting Christ  - Sleep of the Angels
CD - Rotting Christ - Sleep of the Angels
R$ 33,00
3× de R$ 11,00 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 33,00R$ 33,00
sem jurosR$ 16,50R$ 33,00
sem jurosR$ 11,00R$ 33,00
R$ 8,50R$ 34,00
R$ 6,90R$ 34,50
R$ 5,83R$ 34,98
R$ 5,07R$ 35,49
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CD - Rotting Christ - Sleep of the Angels

R$33,00 + Frete

Nacional - Heavy Metal Rock

1. Cold Colours
2. After Dark I Feel
3. Victoriatus
4. Der Perfekte Traum
5. You My Flesh
6. The Word Made End
7. Sleep of the Angels
8. Delusions
9. Imaginary Zone
10. Thine Is the Kingdom