DVD - The Paris Concert Amnesty International
DVD - The Paris Concert Amnesty International
DVD - The Paris Concert Amnesty International
De: R$ 45,00
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DVD - The Paris Concert Amnesty International

R$45,00 + Frete

1. Get Up, Stand Up Youssou N Dour 2. Baba/Hand In My Pocket/Thank U Alanis Morissette
3. Medley/ SeDam Bon Jou Kassav
4. Black White/Buzzin/Free Stapal Ram Asian Dub Foundation
5. Signal To Noise/In Your Eyes Peter Gabriel and Youssou N Dour
6. New Biginning/FastCar/Baby Can I hold you Tracy Chapman
7. No surrender/Born In The USA/Working On The Highway Bruce Springsteen
8. When the World Was Young/Babe I m Gonna Leave You/Gallows Pole/Rock And Roll Jimmy Page Robert Plant - Jimmy Page Robert Plant
9. You re Still The One/Black Eyes/BlueTears Shania Twain Karma Police/Bones/Paranoid Android - Radiohead
10. Shaking The Tree Youssou N Dour and Peter Gabriel
11. 7 Seconds Peter Gabriel/Tracy Chapman/Jocelyn Beroard