BOX  - Therion - The Miskolc Experience (02 cd + DVD) Box
BOX  - Therion - The Miskolc Experience (02 cd + DVD) Box
BOX - Therion - The Miskolc Experience (02 cd + DVD) Box
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CD - Therion - The Miskolc Experience (02 CD +DVD)
Duplo / Digipack de Luxo
Frete gratuito

R$150,00 + Frete

Track List :

1. Clavicula Nox
2. Symphony No. 9
3. Vedi! Le fosche notturne spotigle
4. Dies Irae
5. Symphony No. 3
6. Notung! Notung! Niedliches Schwert!
7. Overture
8. Der Tag ist da, Pt. 2
9. Herbei! Herbei!, Pt. 1

1. Blood of Kingu
2. Sirius B
3. Lemuria
4. Eternal Return
5. Draconian Trilogy
6. Schwarzalbenheim
7. Via Nocturna
8. The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
9. Grand Finale

Part 1: Classical Adventures
1. Clavicula Nox
2. Dvorak: Excerpt from Symphony No. 9
3. Verdi: Vedi! Le fosche notturne spotigle from Il trovatore
4. Mozart: “Dies Irae” from Reqiuem
5. Saint-Saens: Excerpt from Symphony No. 3
6. Wagner: “Notung! Notung! Niedliches Schwert!” from the Ring
7. Wagner: Excerpt from the Overture from Rienzi
8. Wagner: Second Part of “Der Tag ist da” from Rienzzi
9. Wagner: First Part of “Herbei! Herbei!” from Rienzi
Part 2: Therion Songs
1. Blood of Kingu
2. Sirius B
3. Lemuria
4. Eternal Return
5. Draconian Trilogy
6. Schwartsalbenheim
7. Via Nocturna
8. The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
9. Grand Finale
Therion Goes Classic – Bucharest