CD - Testament - The Legacy slipcase
CD - Testament - The Legacy slipcase
CD - Testament - The Legacy slipcase
R$ 65,00
3× de R$ 21,66 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 65,00R$ 65,00
sem jurosR$ 32,50R$ 65,00
sem jurosR$ 21,66R$ 65,00
R$ 16,74R$ 66,96
R$ 13,59R$ 67,95
R$ 11,49R$ 68,94
R$ 9,99R$ 69,93
R$ 8,87R$ 70,96
R$ 8,00R$ 72,00
10×R$ 7,30R$ 73,00
11×R$ 6,73R$ 74,03
12×R$ 6,26R$ 75,12
13×R$ 5,86R$ 76,18
14×R$ 5,52R$ 77,28
15×R$ 5,22R$ 78,30
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CD - Testament - The Legacy
Wiki Metal / Porto da Musica

R$ 65,00 + frete

Track List :

1. Over the Wall
2. The Haunting
3. Burnt Offerings
4. Raging Waters
5. C.O.T.L.O.D.
6. First Strike Is Deadly
7. Do or Die
8. Alone in the Dark
9. Apocalyptic City