CD - Geimhre - For the Blood of Hinterland / Cogadh
CD - Geimhre - For the Blood of Hinterland / Cogadh
CD - Geimhre - For the Blood of Hinterland / Cogadh
De: R$ 35,00
Por: R$ 25,00
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CD - Geimhre - For The Blood Of Hinterland / Cogadh
Hammer Of Damnation Records

R$ 25,00 + Frete

Track List:

For The Blood Of Hinterland

1. A Call to the Aryan Winds
2. We Are the Wolves…
3. Beyond the Frozen Cross
4. Celtic
5. Wolf Interlude
6. Ulfhartaich
7. Traitor Song
8. Buried in Permafrost


9. Cogadh
10. Crushing Zion
11. Knelt Before a Lesser God
12. Demongrelization Machine
13. For Nationalism and Heritage
14. Fuileachd
15. I Am The Wolf