CD - Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
CD - Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
CD - Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
R$ 40,00
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CD - Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods
Rock Brigade Records

R$40,00 +Frete

Track List :

1. Deceiver of the Gods 04:19
2. As Loke Falls 04:38
3. Father of the Wolf 04:19
4. Shape Shifter 04:02
5. Under Siege 06:17
6. Blood Eagle 03:15
7. We Shall Destroy 04:25
8. Hel 04:09
9. Coming of the Tide 04:16
10. Warriors of the North 08:12
TOTAL: 47:52