CD - King Diamond - Dreams Of Horror digipack duplo
CD - King Diamond - Dreams Of Horror digipack duplo
CD - King Diamond - Dreams Of Horror digipack duplo
R$ 70,00
3× de R$ 23,33 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 70,00R$ 70,00
sem jurosR$ 35,00R$ 70,00
sem jurosR$ 23,33R$ 70,00
R$ 18,02R$ 72,08
R$ 14,63R$ 73,15
R$ 12,37R$ 74,22
R$ 10,76R$ 75,32
R$ 9,55R$ 76,40
R$ 8,61R$ 77,49
10×R$ 7,86R$ 78,60
11×R$ 7,25R$ 79,75
12×R$ 6,74R$ 80,88
13×R$ 6,31R$ 82,03
14×R$ 5,94R$ 83,16
15×R$ 5,62R$ 84,30
16×R$ 5,34R$ 85,44
17×R$ 5,10R$ 86,70
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CD - King Diamond - Dreams Of Horror
Valhall Music
Digipack Duplo

R$ 70,00 + Frete

Track List :

CD 1- Roadrunner

1. The Candle
2. Dressed in White
3. The Family Ghost
4. Black Horsemen
5. Welcome Home
6. The Invisible Guests
7. At the Graves
8. Sleepless Nights
9. Let It Be Done
10. Eye of the Witch
11. Insanity

CD 2 - Metal Blade

1. Dreams
2. The Spider’s Lullabye
3. Waiting
4. Heads on the Wall
5. Voodoo
6. Black Devil
7. Help!!!
8. Spirits
9. The Puppet Master
10. Blue Eyes
11. Never Ending Hill
12. Shapes of Black