CD - Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
CD - Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
CD - Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
R$ 40,00
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R$ 8,36R$ 41,80
R$ 7,07R$ 42,42
R$ 6,15R$ 43,05
R$ 5,46R$ 43,68
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CD - Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
Laser Company

R$40,00 + Frete

1. This Will Never End 05:07
2. Otherland 05:14
3. Turn the Page 04:16
4. Fly 05:43
5. Carry the Blessed Home 04:03
6. Another Stranger Me 04:36
7. Straight Through the Mirror 05:48
8. Lionheart 04:15
9. Skalds and Shadows 03:13
10. The Edge 04:27
11. The New Order 04:49
12. Dead sound of Misery