CD - All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers
CD - All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers
CD - All Shall Perish - Awaken The Dreamers
R$ 35,00
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CD - All Shall Perish - Awaken the Dreamers
Paranoid Records

R$35,00 + Frete

Track List :
1. When Life Meant More…
2. Black Gold Reign
3. Never…Again
4. For The Ones We Left Behind
. Awaken The Dreamers
6. Memories Of A Glass Sanctuary
7. Stabbing To Purge Dissimulation
8. Gagged, Bound, Shelved, And Forgotten
9. From So Far Away
10. Until The End
11. Misery’s Introduction
12. Songs For The Damned