CD - Luvart - Rites of the Ancient Cults
CD - Luvart - Rites of the Ancient Cults
CD - Luvart - Rites of the Ancient Cults
R$ 22,00
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CD - Luvart - Rites of the Ancient Cults
Nacional /Drakkar Music

R$22,00 + Frete

1. Primordial Incantation 03:05
2. Thy Draconian Majesty 06:08
3. At the Gloomy Sky 05:05
4. The Path of Serpent 06:31
5. Summoning the Black Light 06:35
6. Wrathful Tyrant 05:39
7. Beyond the Gates of Realms 04:06
8. Tenebris Mater 08:04
TOTAL: 45:13