CD - Exekution - The Worst is yet to Come
CD - Exekution - The Worst is yet to Come
CD - Exekution - The Worst is yet to Come
R$ 30,00
3× de R$ 10,00 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 30,00R$ 30,00
sem jurosR$ 15,00R$ 30,00
sem jurosR$ 10,00R$ 30,00
R$ 7,72R$ 30,88
R$ 6,27R$ 31,35
R$ 5,30R$ 31,80
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* Isto é uma simulação, verifique o valor final das parcelas no intermediador de pagamentos.

CD - Exekution - The Worst is yet to Come
Nacional / Tales From The Pit Records

R$30,00 + Frete

01 - An Eerie Down
02 - Over the Altar
03 - Hegemony of Hatred
04 - Escoria humana
05 - On Your Mother's Face
06 - The Worst Is Yet to Come
07 - Sodomize a Priest
08 - El cepo de mi coche
09 - Epic Hangover
10 - God Is a Shemale
11 - Alcoholic Maniacs*
12 - Toxic Troops*
13 - From the Depths of Hell*
14 - Nuclear Devastation*

TOTAL: 54:36