CD - As I Lay Dying -  Shadows are Security
CD - As I Lay Dying -  Shadows are Security
CD - As I Lay Dying - Shadows are Security
R$ 50,00
3× de R$ 16,66 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 50,00R$ 50,00
sem jurosR$ 25,00R$ 50,00
sem jurosR$ 16,66R$ 50,00
R$ 12,87R$ 51,48
R$ 10,45R$ 52,25
R$ 8,84R$ 53,04
R$ 7,69R$ 53,83
R$ 6,82R$ 54,56
R$ 6,15R$ 55,35
10×R$ 5,62R$ 56,20
11×R$ 5,18R$ 56,98
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CD - As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security

R$ 50,00 + Frete

Track List :

1. Meaning in Tragedy
2. Confined
3. Losing Sight
4. The Darkest Nights
5. Empty Hearts
6. Reflection
7. Repeating Yesterday
8. Through Struggle
9. The Truth of My Perception
10. Control Is Dead
11. Morning Waits
12. Illusions