CD - Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
CD - Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
CD - Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
R$ 85,00
3× de R$ 28,33 sem juros
sem jurosR$ 85,00R$ 85,00
sem jurosR$ 42,50R$ 85,00
sem jurosR$ 28,33R$ 85,00
R$ 21,89R$ 87,56
R$ 17,77R$ 88,85
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R$ 11,60R$ 92,80
R$ 10,46R$ 94,14
10×R$ 9,55R$ 95,50
11×R$ 8,80R$ 96,80
12×R$ 8,18R$ 98,16
13×R$ 7,66R$ 99,58
14×R$ 7,21R$ 100,94
15×R$ 6,83R$ 102,45
16×R$ 6,49R$ 103,84
17×R$ 6,19R$ 105,23
18×R$ 5,93R$ 106,74
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CD - Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
Importado / Columbia Records

R$ 85,00 + Frete

1. Freewheel Burning - 4:25
2. Jawbreaker - 3:27
3. Rock Hard Ride Free - 5:35
4. The Sentinel - 5:04
5. Love Bites - 4:47
6. Eat Me Alive - 3:35
7. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll - 4:07
8. Night Comes Down - 4:01
9. Heavy Duty - 2:25
10. Defenders Of The Faith - 1:28

Bônus Tracks:
11. Turn on Your Light - 5:23
12. Heavy Duty / Defenders of the Faith - 5:26