CD - Gwar - We Kill Everything
CD - Gwar - We Kill Everything
CD - Gwar - We Kill Everything
De: R$ 40,00
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CD - Gwar - We Kill Everything
Roadrunner Records

R$ 25,00 + Frete

Track List:

1. Babyraper
2. Fishfuck
3. The Performer
4. A Short History of the End of the World
5. Escape from the Mooselodge
6. Tune from da Moon
7. Jiggle the Handle
8. Nitro-Burnin’ Funny Bong
9. Jagermonsta
10. My Girly Ways
11. The Master Has a Butt
12. We Kill Everything
13. Child
14. Penile Drip
15. Mary Anne
16. Friend
17. Fuckin’ an Animal