CD - Annie Lennox ‎– Songs Of Mass Destruction
CD - Annie Lennox ‎– Songs Of Mass Destruction
CD - Annie Lennox ‎– Songs Of Mass Destruction
R$ 40,00
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CD - Annie Lennox ‎– Songs Of Mass Destruction
Nacional / Sony Music

R$ 40,00 + Frete

1 Dark Road - 3:47
2 Love Is Blind - 4:18
3 Smithereens - 5:17
4 Ghosts In My Machine - 3:30
5 Womankind - 4:28
6 Through The Glass Darkly - 3:29
7 Lost - 3:41
8 Coloured Bedspread - 4:31
9 Sing - 4:48
10 Big Sky - 4:02
11 Fingernail Moon - 5:04